Thank you all so much for your orders so far! My goal is to send a donation to help Ukraine on Tuesday of next week.
So here's the deal, I'm taking 40% off EVERYTHING for you. Get whatever you've been eyeing. It's all on sale. Code UKRAINE
And we're sending what we can to help the people of Ukraine with whatever they need. Shelter, food, protection, escape, and (soon I hope) rebuilding.
Please share this far and wide. I want to send as much as possible.
10% of all sales will go to help aid initiatives in Ukraine. We can make a difference TOGETHER.

Donations will be sent to St. Joseph the Betrothed Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church which provides medical care in the US and Ukraine for wounded Ukrainian soldiers. This fund also supports the chaplains who serve in the battle zones who with these funds can locally purchase/provide necessities (food, clothing, protective wear, toiletries, shelter) for the soldiers and their families.