October HerStory "Unbowed"

Newsknitted wit

October HerStory "Unbowed"

Chastity Dunlap

It's Fall, y'all, and even though the leaves are turning orange and red in our part of the country, we are all about green this month for HerStory, as we delve into the life and activism of Wangari Maathai and her founding of the the Green Belt Movement. Born in...

September HerStory "Invasive Invaders"

Chastity Dunlap

Our September HerStory recipient just had a birthday (September 10, 1955 is her birthdate), so let's all sing Happy Birthday, or Cumpleaños Feliz to her: ¡Cumpleaños feliz, Cumpleaños feliz, Te deseamos todo, Cumpleaños feliz! . She's yet another amazing heroine, whose mostly unsung work has saved thousands upon thousands of...

August HerStory "Famine Fighter"

Chastity Dunlap

Better living through chemistry, right? Well, our August HerStory recipient, Seema Prakash, PhD believes in better living through botany. As a child in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India, Seema Prakash became interested in science at an early age. She dreamed of becoming a pediatrician, after becoming enamored with Florence Nightingale, but...